
Research the Market Before Buying a Franchise

Franchise - When investing in a franchise it is vital that you carry out careful research before you commit your money to any franchising opportunity.It is important that you consider the marketplace at both a local and national level as well as looking at the qualities of the individual franchise.Doing this research means that when you do invest you can do so with complete confidence that you are making the right choice.

When investing in a franchise it is vital that you carry out careful research before you commit your money to any franchising opportunity. It is important that you consider the marketplace at both a local and national level as well as looking at the qualities of the individual franchise. Doing this research means that when you do invest you can do so with complete confidence that you are making the right choice.

The first thing to consider is market trends at a national level and how these trends might affect the franchise in which you are looking to invest. The current global credit crunch and recession has obviously had a massive effect on UK businesses. Before investing you need to be confident that the franchise has a good chance of riding through the recession without being too adversely affected. Businesses in which demand is likely to stay constant clearly offer a more attractive investment. Other possible national trends to consider are movements towards new products or technologies and changes in laws such as taxation.

Franchise - Having considered national trends you should then look at trends on a more local level. For whatever area you are considering investing it can be useful to look at its current economic outlook. For example is the area an affluent one or does it have high levels of unemployment? Also just because a product or service is popular in one area of the country it doesn't necessarily mean it will be popular elsewhere. Doing local research ensures that you become aware of any possible problems at an early stage.

The final part of your research should be to look in depth at the franchise in which you are considering investing. Clearly you need to be sure that the franchise is performing well and is viable in the long term. Questions you might want to ask include how many stores does the franchiser have, how many have been opened in the last 12 months and have any stores been shut down recently.

By Rich Bendall

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